A dangerous and sometimes fatal disorder of the heart is anteroseptal infarction. The septum, or wall that separates the heart’s left and right chambers, is damaged in anteroseptal infarctions. A section of the heart’s blood flow is significantly reduced as a result of this condition’s consequences, which often leads to tissue death. …
Read More »Periaortic lymph nodes Location, Enlargement, Cancer, Biopsy
Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped organs that create and store blood cells as well as filter lymph fluid, assisting in the removal of waste and harmful bacteria from the body. They include essential immune cells that combat infection. The body contains approximately 600 lymph nodes. Lymph vessels, or little tubes, …
Read More »Paraclinoid aneurysm Location, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Paraclinoid aneurysms are those that begin in the ophthalmic or clinoidal regions of the internal carotid artery (ICA) and extend posteriorly to the posterior communicating artery (PCoA). Clinoid aneurysms develop between the carotid proximal and distal dural rings. Aneurysms of the internal carotid artery (ICA) that are clinoid or paraclinoid …
Read More »Buphthalmos Symptoms, Causes, Treatment | Buphthalmos vs Megalocornea
Buphthalmos is a medical term that refers to an enlarged eye. It is commonly used to describe big eyes in children younger than 3 years old, and it often affects either one or both eyes. The name buphthalmos is derived from Greek origins and signifies “ox-eyed.” Buphthalmos is typically caused …
Read More »Lipoleiomyoma Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Uterine lipoleiomyoma is an extremely uncommon form of benign tumor. In 1991, Meis and Enzinger were the first people to describe the soft tissue tumor known as myolipoma. These tumors display typical histological characteristics, such as being made up of noncancerous smooth muscle and fully developed adipose tissue. Lipoleiomyomas are uterine tumors …
Read More »Polymastia Symptoms, Causes, Removal
Polymastia, also known as supernumerary breast tissue, is a condition that occurs in people and is used to indicate having more than two breasts. This condition happens when something goes wrong in the early stages of breast tissue development. It usually does not cause any symptoms, but it often causes …
Read More »Pyosalpinx Symptoms, Causes, Treatment | Pyosalpinx vs Hydrosalpinx
A disorder known as pyosalpinx occurs when pus builds up in the fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes play a critical role in the female reproductive system by carrying eggs to the uterus from the ovaries. Pyosalpinx happens when the pelvic inflammatory disease goes wrong (PID). PID refers to an infection …
Read More »Rhombencephalosynapsis Symptoms, Causes, Prognosis, Treatment
Brain is the most important part of the body because it controls all of the body’s functions at every level and keeps everything in order. Every portion of the brain is vital in keeping the processes going. The cerebellum is a tiny brainstem structure in the hindbrain that is in …
Read More »Diastematomyelia Symptoms, Complications, Types, Surgery
Diastematomyelia is a variant of spina bifida characterized by a split cord deformity caused by congenital spinal dysraphism. A collection of congenital malformations known as spinal dysraphism has its origins in the dorsum of the embryo. This disorder is likewise linked to diplomyelia, but with diplomyelia, the spinal cord is …
Read More »Pharyngocele Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
A pharyngocele is a herniation of the lateral pharyngeal wall into the piriform recess or the vallecula. Pharyngoceles are protrusions that protrude through the thyrohyoid membrane and are located on the lateral pharyngeal wall. The patient presents with dysphagia, a lateral cervical mass that enlarges during the Valsalva maneuver, and …
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