Heart Attack Symptoms in Men and Women

Learn Heart Attack Symptoms in men and women over 50 and younger, as Early Warning Signs that should not be ignored to save life.

Heart Attack Symptoms in Men are more common than women between the ages of 30 and 59. The incidence of heart attack is four times more in men than in women. However, medical studies reveal that the phenomenon is reversed with age. Heart attack is more common in women over 60 than in men due to biological, physiological and aging process.

Heart attack is a medical condition characterized by occlusion of one of the coronary arteries that stops the blood flow to part of the heart and causes injury of heart muscle due to insufficient supply of oxygen. This condition is also termed as coronary occlusion.

Heart attack is an emergency condition in which immediate treatment is required depending upon the severity of condition and underlying cause of attack. If heart attack persists for longer period of time then it causes myocardial infarction (Complete death of heart muscle). The patient often feels intense pain in his chest that is being squeezed, pressured, or constricted. If not recovered this Cardiac arrest results in sudden death.

The difference between Heart attack and Angina is, the later is a chest pain or discomfort caused when your heart muscle not get enough oxygen-rich blood. It may feel like pressure or squeezing in your chest. The discomfort also can occur in your shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, or back.

Heart Attack Symptoms in Men

Heart Attack is Some medicines are necessary to reduce the intensity of pain but in some cases oxygen is administered to make the patient breath easier and regular. Heart Attack Complications may develop depending on what part of the heart was damaged by being deprived of its blood supply during the attack.

Heart Attack Symptoms in Men and Women

Obesity or being overweight, diabetes, high cholesterol level, high blood pressure and smoking increase the risk and danger of heart attack. Below are some shocking facts about heart attack in United States:

Some Heart Attack Facts

  • Over 616,000 people died of heart attack every year.
  • Heart attack causes almost 25% of deaths in the United States, almost one in every four hour.
  • Every year about 785,000 people in US have a first heart attack.
  • Every year about 470,000 people have second heart attacks.
  • Heart disease costs the United States $108.9 billion every year.

Following are the 10 most commonly medically established Heart Attack Symptoms in men over 50 and some times in younger males and females:

  1. Anxiety

    Patient suffering from heart attack may have symptom of intense anxiety due to fear of heart attack and pain associated with it.

  2. Chest discomfort

    Chest discomfort is cardinal feature of heart attack leading towards myocardial infarction.Heart attack is associated with intense pain which causes chest discomfort  and it is treated with strong analgesic like morphine sulphate.

  3. Cough

    Patient suffering from heart attack wants to cough due to pain in his chest that is being squeezed, pressured, or constricted.In some cases  people with heart failure cough up bloody phlegm due to some internal hemorrhage.

  4. Dizziness

    Dizziness is also a common feature of heart attack due to restricted blood supply to cerebral areas because heart does not pump properly.This condition also termed as cardiac arrhythmias.

  5. Fatigue

    Fatigue is common phenomenon that is associated with heart attack due to restricted blood supply to different parts of body because of cardiac arrhythmias(irregular heart beat).

  6. Rapid Irregular Pulse

    Rapid or irregular pulse is one of the sign and symptoms of the heart attack. Rapid or irregular pulse beside the feelings of weakness, dizziness and shortness of breath could be highy related to heart attack. It colud be an early warning sign of heart failure or an arrhythmia. If not treated, arrhythmias can result into stroke, heart failure and sudden death.

  7. Nausea or Lack of Appetite

    There are two ends of stomach one is pyloric end and other one is cardiac end.Due to cardiac end stomach is located closer to heart.That’s why some people feel nausea or even vomiting in some cases of heart attack.

  8. Shortness of Breath

    Shortness of breath is another common feature of heart attack due to intensity of pain in chest that is being squeezed, pressured, or constricted.

  9. Irregular Heart Beat

    Irregular heart beat is a classical symptom of heart attack which causes further complications like dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and abnormal pulse rate.

  10. Body Pain

    Body Pain could be associated with the heart attack. During the attack, pain starts in the chest and spreads to the shoulders, arms, elbows, back, neck, jaw and abdomen. Patient does not feels much pain in chest but more pain in other body parts, most commonly one or both arms or between the shoulders.

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