Inframammary Fold Location, Cancer, Incision, Rash

What is Inframammary Fold?

Inframammary Fold is the natural border that runs underneath the breast and denotes the point where the breast and the chest meet. IMF is, in the opinion of medical professionals, the most critical element in determining the lower pole of the breast.  

The inframammary fold (IMF) is a groove that defines the boundary between the breast bulge and the chest wall. It is a crucial aesthetic feature of the breast from a cosmetological perspective, and it needs to be taken into account while undergoing different types of breast surgery.

From a histological point of view, the inframammary fold is a dermal structure made up of regular bands of collagen that are held in place by a special system of superficial fascia. The fold develops when the superficial fascia and the mammary fascia join together. Maintaining excellent breast morphology requires well-defined folds. These creases are frequently lost after a total mastectomy, and the technique for recreating them during breast reconstruction to achieve a natural appearance is one of the fascinating topics for reconstructive surgeons.

Inframammary Fold Location, Cancer, Incision, Rash

Inframammary Fold Location

The inframammary fold (IMF), also called the inframammary crease or the inframammary line, is the boundary that separates the lower breast from the chest. The resulting groove begins at the level of the fifth rib and runs down to the sixth intercostal space (the area between the sixth and seventh ribs). When a woman reaches puberty, the inframammary crease becomes visible and defines the lower aspect of her breasts.

Although the inframammary fold’s significance in cosmetic breast plastic surgery is widely acknowledged, the anatomy of this fold continues to be a source of debate among plastic surgeons. The inframammary crease, according to some, is a ligament that starts at the fifth rib and continues down to the dermis. Others, however, disagree and consider it to be a specialized interwoven network of collagen fibers. These fibers provide support for the inframammary skin fold by adhering to a densely packed superficial covering of connective tissue, which is known as fascia.

The inframammary fold, regardless of its anatomical definition, is a distinguishing feature of a woman’s breast shape and structure.

Inframammary Fold Cancer

Cancer of the inframammary fold (IMF), sometimes called submammary fold cancer, develops in the tissue of the breast at the point where the breast joins the chest wall.

Breast cancer can develop in any area of the breast, including tissue beneath the nipple, ducts that supply milk to the nipple, and connective tissue that supports the breast. Cancer of the inframammary folds is not a subtype of breast cancer but rather a possible site of occurrence for the disease.

The signs of inframammary fold cancer can be similar to those of other forms of breast cancer and include a lump or thickening in the breast, changes in the breast’s appearance, nipple discharge or inversion, and skin abnormalities including redness, scaling, or dimpling.

The identification of breast cancer, particularly cancer of the inframammary fold, at an early stage, is essential for effective therapy. Regular self-examinations and mammograms are prescribed for women, especially those over 50 years of age or with a family history of breast cancer. It’s crucial to see a healthcare expert for an assessment if certain changes in the breast or abnormalities are discovered.

Inframammary Fold Incision

Incisions made in the inframammary fold are the type of incision that is frequently utilized for breast augmentation. All three implant placement methods, as well as insertion and removal, are possible through this incision, which is similar in size to the nipple incision.

The incision is done in the fold beneath the breast, resulting in a barely visible scar. After the incision, the implant is placed and operated vertically. No protective covering is needed since this bypasses the milk ducts.

When increasing the size of the breasts by a significant amount, the surgeon frequently needs to construct a new crease to properly position the nipple on the new, larger breast and make room for the substantial implant. One of the few drawbacks of this sort of incision is that crease location requires some guesswork. Misplacing the crease, on the other hand, is a relatively unusual problem that is usually treated during a revision operation.

Inframammary Fold Rash

A rash that appears in the area where the lower portion of the breast joins the chest wall is known as an inframammary fold rash. It’s a typical issue, especially in women who possess large breasts or sweat a lot in that area.

There are a variety of potential causes for the rash, including the following:

Humidity and Heat

Exercise or hot weather mostly causes the region under the breast to become warm and moist, which is a perfect atmosphere for fungi or bacteria to grow and cause an itchy rash.


An underwire bra that doesn’t fit properly is often very irritating to the skin and leads to a rash.

An Allergic Reaction

A rash can appear if a person has an allergy to latex or the fabric used to make the bra.

Skin Conditions

Some skin diseases, like psoriasis or eczema, can also cause rashes in the inframammary fold.

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