Hemorrhoids (HEM-uh-roids) also known as piles,is swelling and inflammation of veins present in your anus and lower rectum.Common cause of hemorrhoids in women is increased pressure in lower rectal area during pregnancy while in males it may be due to straining during bowel movements.
Hemorrhoids may be present inside the rectum which is termed as internal hemorrhoids or it may develop beneath the skin near anus which is called external hemorrhoids.people at the age of 50’s have increase risk of being involved in hemorrhoids because veins become fragile and weak due which scratches and cracks may occur on lower rectal area near anus.

Hemorrhoids Symptoms
Symptoms of hemorrhoids may vary from patient to patient but some common symptoms are mentioned below
- Bleeding during bowel movements
- Irritation and itchiness near the anal region
- pain during bowel movements
- Itching or irritation in your anal region
- Swelling around your anus
- Leakage of feces
- A lump near the anal opening, which is painful and sensitive
- Difficulty in defecation
- pressure sensation in lower rectum
Causes of hemorrhoids
Main causes of hemorrhoids are increased pressure in lower rectum during pregnancy or due to fragility of veins near rectum due to age factor.Other causes of hemorrhoids are also important which are mentioned below
- Straining during bowel movements
- sitting for long periods of time
- Chronic diarrhea or constipation
- Obesity
- Anal intercourse
- Low fiber diet
- Genetic predisposition
Hemorrhoids treatment with natural home remedies
complete cure from hemorrhoids is tough job but it is not impossible if we follow natural ways. Although allopathic medicines are available as otc(over the counter drugs) like anugesic hc cream and some are available as pom(prescription only medicine) like daflon containing micronized flavonoids. These medications are efficacious to some extent but they should not be used as first line therapy due lower safety profile.However,natural herbal medicines have both things safety and efficacy so, herbal medicines are more effective than allopathic medicines due their purity and high safety.Some important herbal medicines which are highly effective in hemorrhoids treatment are mentioned below.
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one of most commonly used natural ingredient for treating hemorrhoids. The anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of aloe vera help to ease the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Aloe vera may be used in the treatment of both internal and external hemorrhoids.
External hemorrhoids
In order to treat external hemorrhoids apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to lower part of rectum near anus and slowly massage the area. This will ease the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids
In case of internal hemorrhoids, cut aloe vera leaves in the form of slices and place these slices in a box and freeze them.Make sure to cut off the thorn-like parts of the plant. Place the slices in a container and freeze them. Apply these freeze aloe vera slices to swollen and inflamed area near anus to relieve the pain, burning, and itching sensation.
2. Olive oil
Olive oil is well known for its emollient,demulcent,anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects.olive oil contains some important nutrients and essential fatty acids.It is primarily used to treat external hemorrhoids.Olive oil is useful in increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and retards the fragility of veins near anus.Take one teaspoon of olive oil daily. It will ease the symptoms like pain, swelling and will improve the performance of the excretory system.
3. Taking warm bath regularly
Taking warm bath is very helpful for patients suffering from hemorrhoids because in hemorrhoids muscles of rectum especially lower part of rectum become stiff and inflexible.So, taking warm bath works like a massager which helps to relax these muscles very effectively.Take warm water bath at least 2-3 time a day.
4. Diet rich in high grade fiber
Almost everybody knows the functions and importance of fiber in the process of defecation(passing of stool through anal canal).Fiber makes the stool soft and make it easy to pass through anal canal without any friction and irritation.Foods that are rich in high grade fiber are banana, cucumber and Guava.
5. plenty of water
Drink plenty of water because water plays important role in intestinal motility.If water intake is low during a day then it will reduce the intestinal motility to some extent which results in poor defecation.so, drink plenty of water to meet your daily requirements that will ease the process of defecation and reduces the friction and irritation during passage of stool through anal canal.