Sesamoiditis Treatment with Home Remedies

Sesamoid bone is a tiny bone located in the tendon that passes through the big toe. The primary purpose of the big bone is to work as a pulley and increase the power of the tendons in controlling the toe. Every action of moving forward is associated with the participation of the sesamoid bone to regulate its movements. Frequent pushing off the toe results in rubbing of the sesamoid bone with the tendon cause irritation and sometimes leads to fracture. This irritation ultimately leads to inflammation also known as sesamoiditis.

Sesamoiditis is an inflammatory condition affecting the sesamoid bones of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint causing pain in the forefoot. The forefeet are the main weight-bearing areas of the foot. They sustain shock and shear force while walking and running. Sesamoiditis may cause a person to walk on the exterior of the foot to help remove stress from the painful area. Gait changes are a difficult compensation for this health problem, as they may results pain and disability in any other extremity joints, such as the knee or hip.

Sesamoiditis may possibly cause due to abrupt increase in the level of activities performed by an individual. Increased activity puts excessive pressure on the ball of the foot which in turn makes it tender. Those with high arched foot, normally run on the balls of their feet, which also trigger the Sesamoiditis condition. Other causes include mountain climbing, increase in mileage and rapid work. It may also be seen in dancers.
Sesamoiditis Treatment with Home Remedies

Sesamoiditis Treatment

Here yo can find information about Sesamoiditis symptoms and home remedies for its treatment.

Sesamoiditis symptoms

Sesamoiditis symptoms include a steady commencement of pain in the forefoot. There may be tenderness under surface of the joint with a limited movement in big toe. There is swelling and inflammation which is a type of tendonitis, which is linked with irritation and inflammation of the tendon and occasionally may be associated with injury or damage to the sesamoid bone.

Sesamoiditis might be difficult to differentiate from metatarsalgia. The pain of sesamoiditis is typically restricted to the area directly below the big toe, while pain from metatarsalgia can arise anywhere in the forefoot area under the toes.

Home Remedies for treatment of Sesamoiditis

If anyone at anytime suffers from Sesamoiditis. Besides looking for the physician one can try the below Sesamoiditis home treatment methods to relieve the pain. In most cases, conventional treatment works efficiently in the management of the condition.


Icing the area is a great way to reduce inflammation thereby relieving the pain. A great way to ice the sesamoid region is to grab a bottle of water. Place it in the fridge for a few hours. Roll your foot over the bottle for no longer than 15 minutes and repeat this couple of times.

Sesamoid Relief Sleeve

Sesamoid relief sleeves are useful for reducing the pressure placed on the sesamoid bones. Pressure causes pain, and these sleeves are designed to reduce that pain by distributing the impact from walking out around your foot.

Arch Support

Those with high arches place a lot of pressure downward on sesamoids. Proper arch support can facilitate to relieve this pressure by sharing the force throughout the arch rather than just the ball of the foot. Those who have extremely high arch are mostly vulnerable to sesamoiditis.
Customized shoe or using a shoe pad can assist in reducing pressure on the bone and decrease the irritation of the tendon. The use of metatarsal pad which helps redistribute the weight around the diverse weight bearing points of the forefoot, thus reducing pain and engorgement.

Turmeric and garlic

Natural remedies like turmeric and garlic act as anti inflammatory agents and help reduce the pain. Mix freshly crushed garlic flakes and some turmeric, with a table spoon of honey and use it with lukewarm water two times a day. Avoid taking this combination on empty stomach, because it may cause irritation in the stomach.

Warm water

Soaking the foot in warm water also soothes the infalmmed and painful sesamoids.

All activities that can lead to stress to the joint should be stopped. Rest is considered very essential, especially if the pain is unbearable. It is good to tape the big toe and immobilize the joint, to let it to heal speedily. Above mentioned techniques helps to manage the pain but don’t forget to consult your physician to avoid any serious complication.

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