Kidney Pain Location in the Body with Diagram

Learn all about kidney pain location in the body either it is left or right. Also about the causes of kidney pain and symptoms associated with it.

Moreover, the kidneys play an important role in regulation of the body salt, potassium, and acid content. The kidneys also produce hormones that stimulate the production of red blood cells that help regulate blood pressure and help control calcium and electrolyte metabolism in the body.

The excess waste products and excess fluid are removed when the kidneys produce urine that is excreted from the body. Kidneys are the osmoregulatory organs. The main function of each kidney is to filter waste products from the blood, such as urea, excess salts and other toxins.

Symptoms associated with kidney pain (also termed renal or flank pain) are discomfort (acute or chronic), aches, or sharp pain that occurs in the back between approximately the lowest rib and the buttocks.

Kidney pain itself is a symptom that may happen due to problems or diseases of the kidney or its associated structures, including the ureters or bladder. However, other diseases may mimic kidney pain, but are not actually due to the kidneys.

Kidney Pain Location in the Body with Diagram

Where are the kidneys located in the body?

Kidney is a retroperitoneal organ. The kidneys are bean-shaped and are located high in the abdominal cavity, one on each side of the spine, and lie in a retroperitoneal position at a slightly oblique angle. The right kidney sits just below the diaphragm and posterior to the liver. The left sits below the diaphragm and posterior to the spleen.

Kidney Stones Pain

A kidney stone may not cause symptoms until it moves around within your kidney or passes into your ureter. Pain caused by a kidney stone may change for instance, shifting to a different location or increasing in intensity as the stone moves through your urinary tract. Kidney stone pain is referred to as “colic,” meaning that it comes and goes in waves as opposed to being a steady continuous pain. Pain from kidney stones is described as being as severe as that of childbirth. Patients with renal colic usually find it very difficult to hold still, and are in constant motion, pacing and writhing. Often the pain is so severe that it causes nausea and vomiting

Kidney Pain Locations

Kidney pain often occurs on one side of the back, it can occur on both sides at the same time and may radiate toward the abdomen or groin. Depending on the underlying cause, kidney pain may occur on the left or right side. Sometimes it can occur on both sides of the back.

Left Kidney Pain

Left kidney pain is felt near the stomach. Kidney or flank pain typically feels like a dull ache on one side of your upper back. It can be caused by a number of different infections or injuries. In addition to kidney problems, upper back and side pain can be caused by many different things, including physical injury, arthritis, or gallbladder, or gastrointestinal diseases, so it’s important to know when to seek care.

Right Kidney Pain

Right kidney pain occurs below the liver. The pain often starts abruptly and then lingers, becoming more intense over time. The affected area can also spread to include the groin area and lower abdomen. Depending on the cause of the pain, it may radiate down the flank to the groin or toward the abdominal area.

Mid to Lower Back Pain due to Kidney

Kidney pain and back pain (or dorsalgia) are often confused with each other but there are several important differences. While back pain can be dull, aching and continuous or intermittent and sudden, kidney pain usually occurs in waves or cycles and is accompanied with other symptoms like chills, fever and pain while urination. At times, back pain and kidney pain can be similar in symptoms but their causes and indications are very different. Kidney back pain is usually felt where the kidneys are located, which is just above the arches of your pelvis on either side of the lower back. It can also be felt in the front of the groin and hip area

Kidney Pain after Drinking or Eating

Kidney pain, after eating or after drinking alcohol, can be very severe and vary from one person to another. The pain may be sharp and occur suddenly; it may come and go in between intervals of time. Some people may experience minor pain in the upper back, or in the sides or the flanks, or the pain may be so intense and debilitating that patient may not be able to carry out even the daily simple tasks. Consumption of excessive alcohol or alcohol abuse can impair kidney functionality, thereby causing kidney pain. Causes of severe kidney pain after eating include polycystic kidney disease, kidney cancer, urine flow obstruction, arteriosclerosis, and ureteral or bladder spasm

Kidney Pain during Pregnancy

Kidney pain during pregnancy, experienced as tenderness, discomfort and pain in the lower back area, around the waist or lower abdomen, is mainly caused on account of two reasons, namely a urinary tract infection or kidney infection. The main symptoms of kidney infection are lower back or kidney pain during pregnancy which may be accompanied by chills, fever and an increase in the urge to urinate

Kidney Pain Causes

Some of the causes of kidney pain or flank pain are as follows:
•    Urinary tract infections
•    Kidney infections
•    Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis and/or ureterolithiasis)
•    Kidney cancer
•    Anything that compresses the kidney (for example, a large tumor)
•    Glomerulonephritis
•    Blood clots in the kidneys (renal vein thrombosis)
•    Polycystic kidney disease (congenital)
•    Congenital malformations in the renal system resulting in complete or partial blockage of urine flow
•    Drugs or toxins that harm kidney tissue (for example, pesticide exposure or chronic use of medications such as ibuprofen [Advil, Motrin, and others])
•    Kidney pain during pregnancy
•    Kidney bleeding (hemorrhage) such as from penetrating trauma or blunt trauma (“kidney laceration”)

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